
  • Machine Learning with Mixed Numeric and Nominal Data using COBWEB/3

    Demonstration of two extensions to the cobweb/3 algorithm that enables it to better handle features with continuous values.

  • Modeling Student Learning in Python

    An exploration of how to model human learing in a geometry tutor using the additive factors model (AFM) as well the extended model that accounts for slipping (AFM+S).

  • Lazy Shuffled List Generator

    An attempt to find a generalized approach for shuffling a very large list that does not fit in memory. I explore the creation of generators that sample items without repeats using random number generators.

  • USB Bit Whacker (UBW) Modified Firmware with USART and Software SPI

    Generate a modified firmware for a UBW that supports reading a thermistor and communicating with a motor controller over an SPI interface.

  • The power of the subconscious? I think not.

    An argument against the theory that our brains continue to work on hard problems when we take breaks. Instead, I argue that we forget failed attempts, but maintain important metadata that facilitates a rapid solution on follow up attempts.

  • Teaching a Computer to Play TicTacToe

    A simple linear regression based approach for teaching a computer to play Tic-Tac-Toe. The system learns to play better by repeatedly playing against itself and learning to recognize good and bad moves. This is a solution to one of the problems in Chapter 1 of Machine Learning.

  • Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Ruby

    A description of a very simple twitter sentiment analyzer project. This system loads tweets on a user specified topic, scores the sentiment of each word in each tweet, computes an overall sentiment of each tweet, and then tallys the positive and negative sentiments for the topic.

  • Reading a Thermistor

    An exploration of how to read a read a thermistor (a temperature monitor) by measuring the thermistor’s resistance using an analog input link on a USB Bit Wacker (UBW).

  • Monetizing a Website with Bitcoins

    This article is a continuation of my last one and focuses on the topic of Bitcoins. Instead of how to mine bitcoins on your computer I am going to discuss how you can use other people’s computers to do all the hard work using Javascript and PHP.

  • Installing and Running Opinion Finder for Sentiment Analysis

    A walkthrough of how to install OpinionFinder 1.5.

  • Bitcoins a Beginners Howto

    I have been hearing about bit coins a lot lately (here and here) and so I decided to check them out and give a basic overview of how to get a bit coin system running on Ubuntu. It was much more confusing then I thought it would be but I eventually got it working. Of course I immediately saw a number of interesting possibilities, which I will discuss at the end.

  • Timify: Tracking your Time with Randomness

    An exploration of how to track ones time using an app that asks a person what they are doing at random times and then statistically computes how they are spending their time. This avoids the need to track every activity in favor of getting an overall, sampling-based perspective of time usage.
